Pretty often when people visit the gardens a popular question we get asked is “How do you afford all this?”
Well, I am about to spill the tea. Spread the secrets.
Let you in on my garden hacks and show you my method of creating lots of plants, furniture and other projects on a small budget.

The DIY life is something that has saved us massive chunks of money here and there. Making and doing things ourselves has allowed us carry out projects we otherwise would not have afforded. Although it may take longer and can be a bit of a challenge at times I think it is totally worth the effort. The DIY life has allowed us to create spaces on the farm we otherwise would have been simply dreaming of
Reuse, Repair, Repurpose is the way of life here at Turra Lodge Farm.

If its damaged, we will fix it or at least try. There is not much that can’t be mended by Dad or Daniel in the workshop, and we are so lucky for that.
But in general, rather than disposing of an ornament, a pot or a piece of furniture that is damaged we will try our best to repair the wear and tear and make the most of what we have got. According to mum, there’s not much that a lick of paint can’t disguise.

The biggest yearly garden investment for us is paint. Painting preserves the wood and so we get a longer lifespan out of our structures. Every year, everything gets painted. From fences to furniture to pots and sheds, it all gets painted. If you stand still too long in the garden Sandra will paint you too.
In terms of planting, it is all about patience. Producing an instant garden is going to cost you a lot of money. Purchasing all your plants form nurseries and garden centres is where you will run up a big bill quite fast.

Investing in large plants will provide for immediate impact and allows you to make a new garden look instantly mature but the financial investment may be out of reach for many just like us.
If you have it, patience is well invested when it comes to the garden. In my opinion, time is your best friend when developing a new outdoor space.

Slips, cuttings and seedlings are my main money saving hacks and my next few blog post are going to take you through each of my money saving hacks in more detail. Showing you examples of projects and processes I hope to share some ideas and tips that can help others in creating a space in their home they love as much as I love Turra Lodge Farm.
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